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Patent Pending, Patented and Registered – Product Marking Requirements
There is often confusion between the different types of intellectual property rights, what they protect, and when it’s ok to use “patent pending”, “patented” or

Who Are The Top Blockchain Patent Filers?
Blockchain is undoubtedly one of the most exciting technologies to emerge in the last few years. When blockchain technology was first introduced to the world

Patent Application Grant (PAG) – Hong Kong – Ultimate Guide
The Hong Kong Patent Application Grant, or PAG, is a government funded initiative to provide financial assistance to local Hong Kong companies and permanent residents

The Ultimate Patent Guide
So, you’ve invented something you believe will change the world and earn you a small (or large!) fortune. Congratulations! Now what… If you’re reading this

New Office
Evolution is delighted to have been accepted as one of the latest tenants of Cyberport, a creative digital community. Cyberport is an exciting and dynamic

Hong Kong Divisional Patent Explained
Section 22 of the Hong Kong Patents Ordinance deals with the filing of a request to record a so-called divisional designated patent application. It’s one of